

Opsgenie REST API has a standard response format for JSON objects.

dataentity data
resultHuman friendly message
requestId*ID of the request
tookResponse time in seconds (only back-end servers, proxies are not included)
expandableExtra fields that can be returned by using expand query param

Response Headers

Each response has standard headers that are listed below.

Header KeyDescription
X-Request-ID*ID of the request
X-Response-TimeResponse time in seconds


If you have a problem, you can contact us with the given request ID *.

Response Codes

In the table below you can find the response codes and their descriptions.

Status CodeInternal CodeDescription
200 - OKSuccessful
201 - CreatedA new entity is created
202 - AcceptedThe request is valid and will be processed asynchronously.
Unlike 200, it does not guarantee that the request will be handled successfully. You can check the Logs for the result.
400 - Bad Request (Syntax Error only)Invalid JSON body
401 - Unauthenticated (Not Unauthorized)apiKey is invalid or integration is disabled
402 - Payment RequiredapiKey is valid but the account cannot do this action because of subscription plan
403 - Forbidden (Unauthorized)40301apiKey is valid but the apiKey cannot do this operation because of permissions
403 - Forbidden40302apiKey is valid and authorized but we do not support the request
404 - Not FoundResource or handler not found
405 - Method Not AllowedURL is valid but HTTP method not supported
406 - Not AcceptableRequested format is not supported (Accept header)
409 - ConflictID or name conflicts with another entity. E.g. integration name already exists
410 - GoneFeature is deprecated
415 - Unsupported Media TypeRequest body format is not supported (Content-Type header)
416 - Requested Range Not SatisfiableThe given range is not supported.
422 - Unprocessable EntitySemantic errors in request body
428 - Pre Condition RequiredEntity is used by another entity (schedule,escalation,team,etc)
429 - Too Many Request*Throttling.
500 - Internal Server Error
501 - Not Implemented
503 - Service Unavailable*Back-end servers are at capacity.


If you get 503, you should retry the request, but if 429 you should wait a bit then retry the request *