Java Based Lamp (Deprecated)
Lamp is a command line utility to interact with Opsgenie service. It provides capabilities to create and close alerts, attach files, etc.
Lamp is used to integrate any management tool that can execute a shell script with Opsgenie. Lamp interacts with the Opsgenie service through the RESTful Web API.
Lamp has a built in contextual help system for obtaining information on available commands, and available options for their use. If you invoke lamp with the --help option, you will see the available list of commands. If you invoke lamp with the --help option with a specific command, you will see the options for that command.
For ease of use apiKey should be set in opsgenie-integration.conf file, for some flexible use cases --apiKey parameter can also be used when executing lamp commands.
- Opsgenie account : If you don't already have one create an Opsgenie account
- Oracle JRE version 1.6 and above or OpenJDK version 6 and above
Installation Steps for Red Hat Based Distributions
- Download Opsgenie Integration
- Run following command to install Lamp:
rpm -i opsgenie-integration-<your_version>.rpm
If you want to update from version 201X-XX-XX to 2.X.X, you must add --force parameter. E.g.:
rpm -U --force opsgenie-integration-<your_version>.rpm
We suggest that you backup your configuration files before update!
Installation Steps for Debian Based Distributions
- Download Opsgenie Integration
- Run following command to install Lamp:
dpkg -i opsgenie-integration-<your_version>.deb
Installation Steps for Windows
1. Download Opsgenie Integration
2. Unzip opsgenie integration zip file which contains Lamp packages into a directory (C:\OpsGenie is the preferred path)
- For 32-Bit Windows use lamp.exe
- For 64-Bit Windows use lamp_64.exe
To set JAVA_HOME environment variable, refer to Setting JAVA_HOME for more information.
To enable Ruby scripting, you need to download JRuby Complete jar file and put this jar file in lib directory (/var/lib/opsgenie/lamp On Linux, LAMP_HOME/lib on Windows systems. Will be referred as LIBS_DIR in the rest of documentation).
Note: If any exception occurs, like network connection lost, invalid request, authorization exception, etc. lamp exits with exit code 1, and prints the exception message to the output. You should check the exit code of lamp if you need to handle exceptions.
Internet Requirement : By default Lamp requires internet connection to reach Opsgenie.
If Lamp host server does not have internet connection you can configure Lamp Proxy settings, see below.
Application Configuration
Lamp configuration file is
- For Windows: <LAMP_HOME>/../conf/opsgenie-integration.conf
- For Linux: /etc/opsgenie/conf/opsgenie-integration.conf
The following are the common configuration settings for Lamp:
Lamp Configuration Settings
Setting | Description | Mandatory | Default Value |
apiKey | API key used for authenticating API requests. API key can be obtained by adding an API Integration * Optionally --apiKey parameter can also be set when executing lamp commands, in this case the apiKey in opsgenie-integration.conf file will not be used. | No | - |
user | Default owner of the execution. If user is not specified for Lamp action this value will be used. | No | |
socketTimeout | Socket timeout for request executed across Opsgenie server | No | 30 Sec |
connectionTimeout | Connection timeout for request executed across Opsgenie server | No | 30 Sec |
macConnectionCount | Max number of simultaneous requests which may be executed across Opsgenie server | No | 50 |
Lamp Proxy Configuration Settings
In order to use Lamp on systems that are behind firewalls do not have direct access to the Internet, you need to configure Lamp proxy settings to interact with Opsgenie web services API, create alerts, etc.
Setting | Description | Mandatory | Default Value |
proxyHost | Proxy host | No | - |
proxyPort | Proxy port | No | - |
proxyUsername | Proxy authentication username | No | - |
proxyPassword | Proxy authentication password | No | - |
proxyDomain | The domain to authenticate within | No | - |
proxyWorkstation | The workstation the authentication request is originating from. Essentially, the computer name for this machine | No | - |
proxyProtocol | Proxy connection protocol. It may be one of http or https depending on your proxy servers. | No | - |
authMethod | Proxy authentication mechanism. Should be one of BASIC or NT. | No | - |
JVM Configuration
You can change JVM settings like max/min memory, garbage collection settings and etc. by modifying configuration files depending on your operating system.
On Linux
You should modify LAMP_JVM variable in /etc/opsgenie/profile file. For example to set max memory to 1024 MB you should change LAMP_JVM as:
LAMP_JVM=" -Xmx1024m $LAMP_JVM"
On Windows
For 32-bit Windows
You should modify JVM settings in <LAMP_HOME>/lamp.vmoptions file. For example to set max memory to 1024 MB you should change -Xmx setting as:
For 64-bit Windows
You should modify JVM settings in <LAMP_HOME>/lamp_64.vmoptions file. For example to set max memory to 1024 MB you should change -Xmx setting as:
Log Configuration
Lamp log configuration file is
- For Windows: <LAMP_HOME>/conf/
- For Linux: /etc/opsgenie/lamp/
This is a standard Apache Log4J configuration file. You can change log levels, log file names, appender settings and etc. Please refer to Apache Log4J Manual for a complete list of Log4J settings.
For example in order to change log level of script logger to DEBUG from WARN you should change
log4j.logger.script=WARN, script
as log4j.logger.script=DEBUG, script
*Lamp log files will be written to (Will be referred as LOGS_DIR in the rest of documentation):
- On Linux: /var/log/opsgenie/lamp
- On Windows: LAMP_HOME/logs*
Create Alert Command
Lamp createAlert command is used to create alerts in Opsgenie. createAlert command takes the following parameters:
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--message | Alert text limited to 130 character |
--recipients | The user names of individual user or names of groups |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | |
--alias | A user defined identifier for the alert and there can be only one alert with open status with the same alias. Provides ability to assign a known id and later use this id to perform additional actions such as log, close, attach for the same alert. |
--actions | A comma separated list of actions that can be executed. Custom actions can be defined to enable users to execute actions for each alert. All action executions will be posted to Outgoing Integrations like Webhook, OEC, Slack, HipChat etc |
--source | Field to specify source of alert. By default, it will be assigned to IP address of incoming request |
--tags | A comma separated list of labels attached to the alert. |
--description | Alert text in long form. Unlike the message field, not limited to 130 characters. |
-D | Additional alert properties. The syntax is -D= |
--entity | The entity the alert is related to. |
--user | Owner of execution |
--note | Additional alert note |
--apiKey | API key used for authenticating API requests * If not given the api key in the conf file will be used Optional API key is valid for all Lamp commands |
Sample Usage:
With mandatory parameters:
lamp createAlert --message "appserver1 down" --recipients [email protected]
With optional parameters:
lamp createAlert --message "appserver1 down" --recipients [email protected] --description "appserver1 is not responding to requests and reported as down by the monitoring tools" --tags operations, servers --actions stop, restart -Dseverity=critical
With optional apiKey parameter :
Get Alert Command
Lamp getAlert command is used to get alerts details from Opsgenie. getAlert command takes the following parameters:
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--alertId | Id of the alert that will be retrieved. Either alertId or alias must be provided |
--alias | Alias of the alert that will be retrieved. Either alertId or alias must be provided. Alias option can only be used open alert |
Sample Usage
lamp getAlert --alertId 44d2e383-df30-49e1-820e-65e8e6e6387f
lamp getAlert --alias appserver3Down
Attach File Command
Lamp attachFile command is used to attach file to alerts in Opsgenie. attachFile command takes the following parameters:
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--alertId | Id of the alert that the file will be attached. Either alertId or alias must be provided |
--alias | Alias of the alert that the file will be attached. Either alertId or alias must be provided. Alias option can only be used open alerts |
--attachment | Absolute or relative path to the file |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | |
--user | Owner of execution |
--note | Additional alert note |
--source | Source of action |
Sample Usage
lamp attachFile --alertId 44d2e383-df30-49e1-820e-65e8e6e6387f --attachment /tmp/lastHourCPUChart.png
lamp attachFile --apiKey ab5454992-fabb2-4ba2-ad44f-1af65ds8b5c079 --alias appserver3Down --attachment /tmp/lastHourCPUChart.png
Acknowledge Command
Lamp acknowledge command is used to acknowledge alerts in Opsgenie. acknowledge command takes the following parameters:
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--alertId | Id of the alert that will be acknowledged. Either alertId or alias must be provided |
--alias | Alias of the alert that will be acknowledged. Either alertId or alias must be provided. Alias option can only be used open alerts |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | |
--user | Owner of execution |
--note | Additional alert note |
--source | Source of action |
Sample Usage:
lamp acknowledge --alertId 44d2e383-df30-49e1-820e-65e8e6e6387f
lamp acknowledge --apiKey ab5454992-fabb2-4ba2-ad44f-1af65ds8b5c079 --alias appserver3Down
Renotify Command
Lamp renotify command is used to renotify alert recipients. renotify command takes the following parameters:
Mandatory Parameters
--alertId | Id of the alert that recipient will be renotified for. Either alertId or alias must be provided |
--alias | Alias of the alert that recipient will be renotified for. Either alertId or alias must be provided. Alias option can only be used open alerts |
Optional Parameters
--recipients | The user names of individual users or names of groups that will be renotified for alert. If no recipient specified, all existing alert recipients will be renotified. |
--user | Owner of execution |
--note | Additional alert note |
--source | Source of action |
Sample Usage:
lamp renotify --alertId 44d2e383-df30-49e1-820e-65e8e6e6387f
lamp renotify --alias appserver3Down --recipients [email protected]
Take Ownership Command
Lamp takeOwnership command is used to take ownership of alerts in Opsgenie. takeOwnership command takes the following parameters:
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--alertId | Id of the alert that will be owned. Either alertId or alias must be provided |
--alias | Alias of the alert that will be owned. Either alertId or alias must be provided. Alias option can only be used open alerts |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | |
--user | Owner of execution |
--note | Additional alert note |
--source | Source of action |
Sample Usage:
lamp takeOwnership --alertId 44d2e383-df30-49e1-820e-65e8e6e6387f
lamp takeOwnership --apiKey ab5454992-fabb2-4ba2-ad44f-1af65ds8b5c079 --alias appserver3Down
Assign Command
Lamp assign command is used to assign the ownership of alerts in Opsgenie. assign command takes the following parameters:
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--alertId | Id of the alert that will be assigned. Either alertId or alias must be provided |
--alias | Alias of the alert that will be assigned. Either alertId or alias must be provided. Alias option can only be used open alerts |
--owner | The users who will be the owner of the alert after the execution. |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | |
--user | Owner of execution |
--note | Additional alert note |
--source | Source of action |
Sample Usage:
lamp assign --alertId 44d2e383-df30-49e1-820e-65e8e6e6387f --owner [email protected]
lamp assign --apiKey ab5454992-fabb2-4ba2-ad44f-1af65ds8b5c079 --alias appserver3Down --owner [email protected]
Add Team Command
Lamp addTeam command is used to add new teams to alerts in Opsgenie. addRecipient command takes the following parameters:
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--alertId | Id of the alert that the new team will be added. Either alertId or alias must be provided |
--alias | Alias of the alert that the new team will be added. Either alertId or alias must be provided. Alias option can only be used open alerts |
--team | The team that will be added to the alert. |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | |
--user | Owner of execution |
--note | Additional alert note |
--source | Source of action |
Sample Usage:
lamp addTeam --alertId 44d2e383-df30-49e1-820e-65e8e6e6387f --team operations
lamp addTeam --apiKey ab5454992-fabb2-4ba2-ad44f-1af65ds8b5c079 --alias appserver3Down --team operations
Add Recipient Command
Lamp addRecipient command is used to add new recipients to alerts in Opsgenie. addRecipient command takes the following parameters:
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--alertId | Id of the alert that the new recipient will be added. Either alertId or alias must be provided |
--alias | Alias of the alert that the new recipient will be added. Either alertId or alias must be provided. Alias option can only be used open alerts |
--recipient | The recipient that will be added to the alert. |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | |
--user | Owner of execution |
--note | Additional alert note |
--source | Source of action |
Sample Usage:
lamp addRecipient --alertId 44d2e383-df30-49e1-820e-65e8e6e6387f --recipient [email protected]
lamp addRecipient --apiKey ab5454992-fabb2-4ba2-ad44f-1af65ds8b5c079 --alias appserver3Down --recipient [email protected]
Add Note Command
Lamp addNote command is used to add notes to alerts in Opsgenie. addNote command takes the following parameters:
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--alertID | Id of the alert that will be retrieved. Either alertId or alias must be provided |
--alias | Alias of the alert will be retrieved. Either alertId or alias must be provided. Alias option can only be used open alerts |
--note | Note Text |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | |
--user | Owner of execution |
--source | Source of action |
Sample Usage:
lamp addNote --alertId 44d2e383-df30-49e1-820e-65e8e6e6387f --note I'll work on this
lamp addNote --apiKey ab5454992-fabb2-4ba2-ad44f-1af65ds8b5c079 --alias appserver3Down --note I'll work on this
Execute Alert Action Command
Lamp executeAction command is used to execute custom actions on alerts in Opsgenie. executeAction command takes the following parameters:
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--alertId | Id of the alert that the action will be executed on. Either alertId or alias must be provided |
--alias | Alias of the alert that the action will be executed on. Either alertId or alias must be provided. Alias option can only be used open alerts |
--action | Action to execute |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | |
--user | Owner of execution |
--note | Additional alert note |
--source | Source of action |
Sample Usage:
lamp executeAction --alertId 44d2e383-df30-49e1-820e-65e8e6e6387f --action restartEntity
lamp executeAction --apiKey ab5454992-fabb2-4ba2-ad44f-1af65ds8b5c079 --alias appserver3Down --action restartEntity
Close Alert Command
Lamp closeAlert command is close open alerts in Opsgenie. closeAlert command takes the following parameters:
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--alertId | Id of the alert that will be closed. Either alertId or alias must be provided |
--alias | Alias of the alert that will be closed. Either alertId or alias must be provided. |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | |
--user | Owner of execution |
--note | Additional alert note |
--notify | Comma separated list of user and groups which will be notified. Also special values "all", "recipients" and "owner" is accepted. |
--source | Source of action |
Sample Usage:
lamp closeAlert --alertId 44d2e383-df30-49e1-820e-65e8e6e6387f
lamp closeAlert --apiKey ab5454992-fabb2-4ba2-ad44f-1af65ds8b5c079 --alias appserver3Down
Delete Alert Command
Lamp deleteAlert command is delete alerts in Opsgenie. deleteAlert command takes the following parameters:
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--alertId | Id of the alert that will be deleted. |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | |
--user | Owner of execution |
--source | Source of action |
Sample Usage
lamp deleteAlert --alertId 44d2e383-df30-49e1-820e-65e8e6e6387f
Heartbeat Command
Lamp heartbeat command is used send periodic heartbeat messages to Opsgenie. The heartbeat should be added to Opsgenie before sending a heartbeat, If a heartbeat with 10 minutes interval is added and Opsgenie does not get a heartbeat message within 10 minutes, Opsgenie creates an alert to notify the specified people. heartbeat command takes the following parameters.
For more information please refer to Heartbeat Monitoring and Heartbeat API pages.
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--name | Name of the heartbeat on Opsgenie |
Sample Usage:
lamp heartbeat --name ServerX
Enable Command
Lamp enable command is used to enable integrations and policies. enable command takes the following parameters.
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--id | Id of the integration/policy that will be enabled. Either id or name must be provided |
--type | Type of the entity that will be enabled. It must be integration or policy. |
--name | Name of the integration/policy that will be enabled. Either id or name must be provided |
Sample Usage
lamp enable --id ab5454992-fabb2-4ba2-ad44f-1af65ds8b5c079
lamp enable --apiKey ab5454992-fabb2-4ba2-ad44f-1af65ds8b5c079 --name Nagios Integration
Disable Command
Lamp disable command is used to disable integrations and policies. disable command takes the following parameters.
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--id | Id of the integration/policy that will be disabled. Either id or name must be provided |
--type | Type of the entity that will be disabled. It must be integration or policy. |
--name | Name of the integration/policy that will be disabled. Either id or name must be provided |
Sample Usage:
lamp disable --id ab5454992-fabb2-4ba2-ad44f-1af65ds8b5c079
lamp disable --apiKey ab5454992-fabb2-4ba2-ad44f-1af65ds8b5c079 --name Nagios Integration
Execute Script Command
Script Directories (Will be referred as SCRIPTS_DIR in the rest of documentation)
- On Linux: /var/opsgenie/lamp/scripts
- On Windows: <LAMP_HOME>/scripts
executeScript command will execute a script (groovy, ruby, perl, etc) on lamp. Scripting capability will simplify the integration process.
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter | |
--name | Name of the script to be executed. Script should be put into <SCRIPTS_DIR> directory Lamp will determine the script engine via script file extension. For example if script is HelloWorld.groovy then Groovy scripting engine will be used to execute speicified script. In order to enable your favorite scripting engine, you need to download engine and put it into directory <LIBS_DIR>. |
Supported Scripting Languages
Extension | Scripting Language | Engine Download Link |
.groovy | Groovy | Already bundled Lamp |
.rb | Ruby | Latest JRuby Complete jar at |
Parameters are passed as global variables to Ruby scripts hence they should be accessed as $parameter_name. For example, logger parameter can be accessed as $logger in Ruby script.
Optional Parameters
Parameter | |
-D | Parameters which will be passed to script. The syntax is -D=. Parameters can be accessed from script via params variable. |
Variables Passed to Script
Parameter | |
params | The variable to access parameters which are passed by -D option of executeScript command. |
logger | Logging utility. All script logs will be written to <LOGS_DIR>/script.log file. |
conf | The variable to access parameters specified in opsgenie-integration.conf file. |
opsgenie | The variable to execute an operation on opsgenie server. Please refer to Script Proxy documentation for a list of available operations. |
Default Lamp Scripts
Lamp downloadable comes with handy scripts :
- HelloWorld.groovy & HelloWorld.rb : Print parameters
- CreateAlert.groovy & CreateAlert.rb : Create a sample alert with given parameters
- processOldAlerts.groovy : Utility script to close / ack / delete alerts older than X days
- alertActionsDemo.groovy: Demonstration of alert actions.
HelloWorld Lamp Script
Sample Usage
lamp executeScript --name HelloWorld.groovy -Dparam1=value1 -Dparam2=value2
Content of <SCRIPTS_DIR>/HelloWorld.groovy file :
logger.warn("Parameter list:");
params.each{paramName, paramValue->
Expected Output in log file <LOGS_DIR>/script.log :
12/06/18 16:44:08.288 WARN: Parameter list:
12/06/18 16:44:08.304 WARN: param1:value1
12/06/18 16:44:08.304 WARN: param2:value2
CreateAlert Lamp Script
Sample Usage
lamp executeScript --name CreateAlert.groovy -Dmessage=an alert
Content of <SCRIPTS_DIR>/CreateAlert.groovy file
logger.warn("Creating alert with message ${params["message"]}");
alertprops = [:]
alertprops["message"] = params["message"];
alertprops["recipients"] = "all"
def response = opsgenie.createAlert(alertprops);
logger.warn("Alert is created with id ${response["alertId"]}")
Expected Output in log file <LOGS_DIR>/script.log:
12/06/18 17:01:06.772 WARN: Creating alert with message message1
12/06/18 17:01:11.460 WARN: Alert is created with id :3418a79c-e41f-45d4-8d84-d2ce123fb79b
processOldAlerts Lamp Script
This script helps executing bulk actions on old alerts, script processes all alerts regardless of recipients.
Sample Usage:
Default : closes open alerts older than 2 days
lamp executeScript --name processOldAlerts.groovy
Test Param : Lists open alerts older than 2 days but does not perform any actions
lamp executeScript --name processOldAlerts.groovy -Dtest=true
Day Param: closes open alerts older than 8 days
lamp executeScript --name processOldAlerts.groovy -Dday=8
Action Param: acknowledges open alerts older than 5 days
lamp executeScript --name processOldAlerts.groovy -Daction=ack -Dday=5
Status Param : deletes closed alerts older than 2 days
lamp executeScript --name processOldAlerts.groovy -Daction=delete -Dstatus=closed
alertActionsDemo Lamp Script
This script demonstrates the use of simple scripting by using Script Proxy
It creates a demo alert, executes different actions on it.
Sample Usage:
lamp executeScript --name alertActionsDemo.groovy
Version Command
It prompts the current Lamp Version
Sample Usage
lamp version
The source code is available at GitHub.
Updated about 2 years ago