Escalation API


If using the EU instance of Opsgenie, the URL needs to be for requests to be successful.

General Information


Create an API Integration and obtain your apiKey to make requests listed above. Please make sure that the integration is not restricted to access configurations.

Create Escalation

Create escalation request is used to add new escalations in Opsgenie and it is a write request. If the integration of the API key configured as read-only, the request will not be accepted. For more information, you can refer to API Access Management

JSON Body Fields

nametrueName of the escalation
descriptionfalseDescription of the escalation
rulestrueList of the escalation rules. You can refer Escalation Rules for detailed information about members and their fields
ownerTeamfalseOwner team of the escalation, consisting id and/or name of the owner team
repeatfalseRepeat preferences of the escalation including repeat interval, count, reverting acknowledge and seen states back and closing an alert automatically as soon as repeats are completed. You can refer Escalation Repeat for detailed information about its fields.


If integration belongs to any team, it automatically overwrite ownerTeam object. Otherwise id or name fields should be specified in ownerTeam

ownerTeam field example

    "ownerTeam": {
    "ownerTeam": {

Sample Request

curl -X POST ''
    --header 'Authorization: GenieKey eb243592-faa2-4ba2-a551q-1afdf565c889'
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    "name" : "newEscalation",
    "rules" : [
            "delay": {
                "timeAmount" : 1
                "type" : "schedule",
                "name": "ops_team_schedule"
            "notifyType" : "default",
            "condition": "if-not-acked"
    "ownerTeam" : {
        "name" : "ops_team"
    "repeat": {
      "waitInterval": 15,
      "count": 13,
      "resetRecipientStates": true,
      "closeAlertAfterAll": true


    "result" : "Created"
    "data": {
        "name": "newEscalation",
        "id": "e64fd6f2-4721-4dae-b03f-1905bb3ed84a"
    "took": 0.888,
    "requestId": "53ca115f-1b92-4cb3-983c-daea8fc33b69"

Get Escalation

Get escalation request is used to search and retrieve escalations in OpsGenie. It takes the following parameters:

In-Line Parameters

Referred NameDescription
identifierIdentifier of the escalation

Query Parameters

identifierTypefalseType of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are id and name. Default value is id

Sample Request

curl -X GET ''
        --header 'Authorization: GenieKey eb243592-faa2-4ba2-a551q-1afdf565c889'


    "data": {
        "id": "4f5f0d44-e7bc-4f2a-a321-2f8d81cb7575",
        "name": "newEscalation",
        "description": "newEscalation description",
        "ownerTeam": {
            "id": "3d82c05a-2baa-47f1-bc9c-335018cf3269",
            "name" : "ops_team"
        "rules": [
                "condition": "if-not-acked",
                "notifyType": "default",
                "delay": {
                    "timeAmount": 1,
                    "timeUnit": "minutes"
                "recipient": {
                    "type": "schedule",
                    "id": "03a30519-39aa-4e4b-94b6-29a5ea4faca1",
                    "name": "ops_team_schedule"
        "repeat": {
          "waitInterval": 15,
          "count": 13,
          "resetRecipientStates": true,
          "closeAlertAfterAll": true
    "took": 0.034,
    "requestId": "1f8ea4fc-874a-45d9-b794-604fabec7f2d"

Update Escalation (Partial)

Update escalation request is used to update escalation in partial manner and it is a write request. If the integration of the API key configured as read-only, the request will not be accepted. For more information, you can refer to API Access Management

In-Line Parameters

Referred NameDescription
identifierIdentifier of the escalation

Query Parameters

identifierTypefalseType of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are id and name. Default value is id

JSON Body Fields

namefalseName of the escalation
descriptionfalseDescription of the escalation
rulesfalseList of the escalation rules. You can refer Escalation Rules for detailed information about members and their fields
ownerTeamfalseOwner team of the escalation, consisting id and/or name of the owner team You can refer to below for more information
repeatfalseRepeat preferences of the escalation including repeat interval, count, reverting acknowledge and seen states back and closing an alert automatically as soon as repeats are completed options. You can refer Escalation Repeat for detailed information about its fields.

ownerTeam field example

    "ownerTeam": {
    "ownerTeam": {

Sample Request

curl -X PATCH ''
    --header 'Authorization: GenieKey eb243592-faa2-4ba2-a551q-1afdf565c889'
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json'
    "name" : "newEscalation",
    "rules" : [
            "delay": {
                "timeAmount": 2
            "recipient": {
            "notifyType" : "default",
            "condition": "if-not-acked"
            "delay" : {
                "timeAmount" : 5
            "recipient" : {
                "type" : "schedule",
                "name" : "ops_team_schedule"
            "notifyType" : "default",
            "condition": "if-not-acked"
    "repeat": {
      "waitInterval": 0



    "result": "Updated",
    "data": {
        "id": "4f5f0d44-e7bc-4f2a-a321-2f8d81cb7575",
        "name": "newEscalation"
    "took": 1.26,
    "requestId": "0f67ccc9-503a-4111-ae7b-59d0177aa1d5"

Delete Escalation

Delete escalation request is used to delete escalations in OpsGenie and it is a write request. If the integration of the API key configured as read-only, the request will not be accepted. For more information, you can refer to API Access Management

In-Line Parameters

Referred NameDescription
identifierIdentifier of the escalation

Query Parameters

identifierTypefalseType of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are id and name. Default value is id

Sample Request

curl -X DELETE ''
    --header 'Authorization: GenieKey eb243592-faa2-4ba2-a551q-1afdf565c889'


    "result": "Deleted",
    "took": 1.523,
    "requestId": "24c8be4b-e67d-473d-a7a9-f426dbb38bf5"

List Escalations

List escalations request is used to list escalations in OpsGenie. It takes the following parameters:

Sample Request

curl -X GET ''
    --header 'Authorization: GenieKey eb243592-faa2-4ba2-a551q-1afdf565c889'


    "data": [
            "id": "4e8de428-f403-4e82-b46a-4402b8e7a5ed",
            "name": "EscalationName",
            "description": "EscalationDescription",
            "rules": [
                    "condition": "if-not-closed",
                    "notifyType": "default",
                    "delay": {
                        "timeAmount": 0,
                        "timeUnit": "minutes"
                    "recipient": {
                        "type": "user",
                        "id": "1a1b24d2-a218-4309-af6a-cca8a8e6d344",
                        "username": ""
            "repeat": {
              "waitInterval": 15,
              "count": 13,
              "resetRecipientStates": true,
              "closeAlertAfterAll": true
            "id": "d8b704e3-665d-4387-8678-2816dc8d4d5a",
            "name": "ops_team_escalation",
            "ownerTeam": {
                "id": "0c55f7f6-e081-4915-91df-d35b459ecaa1",
                "name": "ops_team"
            "rules": [
                    "condition": "if-not-acked",
                    "notifyType": "default",
                    "delay": {
                        "timeAmount": 0,
                        "timeUnit": "minutes"
                    "recipient": {
                        "type": "schedule",
                        "id": "3bc03dcc-b5eb-475d-9d66-3c574c6a8d3f",
                        "name": "ops_team_schedule"
                    "condition": "if-not-acked",
                    "notifyType": "next",
                    "delay": {
                        "timeAmount": 5,
                        "timeUnit": "minutes"
                    "recipient": {
                        "type": "schedule",
                        "id": "3bc03dcc-b5eb-475d-9d66-3c574c6a8d3f",
                        "name": "ops_team_schedule"
                    "condition": "if-not-acked",
                    "notifyType": "all",
                    "delay": {
                        "timeAmount": 10,
                        "timeUnit": "minutes"
                    "recipient": {
                        "type": "team",
                        "id": "0c55f7f6-e081-4915-91df-d35b459ecaa1",
                        "name": "ops_team"
    "took": 0.99,
    "requestId": "c5bb2a56-b02d-49e9-b073-f5264fd4115d"

Escalation Rules Fields

JSON Body Fields

conditiontrueThe condition for notifying the recipient of escalation rule that is based on the alert state. Possible values are: if-not-acked and if-not-closed. If not given, if-not-acked is used.
notifyTypetrueRecipient calculation logic for schedules. Possible values are:
default: on call users
next: next users in rotation
previous: previous users on rotation
users: users of the team
admins: admins of the team
all: all members of the team

If not given default is used.
recipienttrueObject of schedule, team, or users which will be notified in escalation. The possible values for participants are:
* team

You can refer below for example values
delaytrueTime delay of the escalation rule. This parameter takes an object that consists timeAmount field that takes time amount in minutes


If recipient type is schedule or team, you can use name or id fields for referring to notified. Otherwise (type is user), we use username or id for referencing

recipient field example

    "recipient": {
        "type": "team",
        "id": "b3578948-55b3-4acc-9bf1-2ce2db3alpa2"
    "recipient": {
        "type": "user",
        "username": ""
   "recipient": {
        "type": "schedule"
        "name": ScheduleName"

delay field example:

    "delay": {
        "timeAmount": 5

Escalation Repeat Fields

JSON Body Fields

waitIntervalfalseThe duration in minutes to repeat the escalation rules after processing the last escalation rule. It is mandatory if you would like to add or remove repeat option. 0 should be given as a value to disable repeat option. It is 0 by default.
countfalseRepeat time indicating how many times the repeat action will be performed. It is 1 by default.
resetRecipientStatesfalseIt is for reverting acknowledge and seen states back on each repeat turn if an alert is not closed. It is false by default.
closeAlertAfterAllfalseIt is to close the alert automatically if escalation repeats are completed. It is false by default.