PRTG Integration

PRTG Network Monitor is Paessler's powerful network monitoring solution.


​What does Opsgenie offer to PRTG users?

Opsgenie provides a powerful bidirectional integration with PRTG. When a sensor is down in PRTG, a corresponding Opsgenie alert is automatically created, containing detailed information. Opsgenie provides rich notifications with on-call rotations, scheduling features, and alert escalations to ensure the best monitoring management for PRTG customers. As users execute actions on the alerts acknowledged, the sensor information on PRTG is automatically updated according to mapped actions preferred by the customer.

Functionality of the integration

PRTG to Opsgenie:

  • When "sensor status down" notification is sent form PRTG, it creates an alert in Opsgenie.
    • When "sensor status up" notification is sent from PRTG, the related alert is closed in Opsgenie.

Opsgenie to PRTG:

  • If Send Alert Updates Back to PRTG is enabled, actions for PRTG are executed in PRTG when the chosen action is executed in Opsgenie for alerts which are created by the PRTG.

  • This action mapping feature is explained in detail in the Action Mapping Feature section.

Add PRTG integration in Opsgenie

  1. Please create an Opsgenie account if you haven't done so already.
  2. Go to Opsgenie's PRTG Integration page.


An alternative for this step is to add the integration from the Team Dashboard of the team which will own the integration. To add an integration directly to a team, navigate to the Team Dashboard and open Integrations tab. Click Add Integration and select the integration that you would like to add.


For Free and Essentials plans, you can only add the integrations from the Team Dashboards, please use the alternative instructions given below to add this integration.

  1. Copy the integration URL to use in PRTG configuration.
  2. Click Save Integration.

Action Mapping Feature

  • Opsgenie allows customers to define action mappings between Opsgenie actions and PRTG actions.
  • To use the Action Mappings feature, provide the information listed below:

*Send Via Marid: Check to use on-premise PRTG

  • PRTG Username: API Username obtained from the account settings.
  • PRTG Passhash: API Passhash obtained from the account settings.
  • PRTG URL: The desired URL to use to visit your PRTG page.

For alerts created by PRTG

  • Use this section to map Opsgenie actions to a PRTG action when the source of the alert is PRTG (i.e When the alert is created by PRTG.)
  • Map different Opsgenie actions to different PRTG action. For example, to add "acknowledge a sensor" in PRTG, when the alert is acknowledged in Opsgenie. In order to do this, define If alert is acknowledged in Opsgenie, acknowledge sensor in PRTG mapping in Send Alert Updates Back to PRTG section.

Default Advance Filter Settings of PRTG integration in Opsgenie


Configuration on PRTG

  1. In PRTG, go to "Setup -> Account -> Notifications". Click Add new notification.
  2. Select Execute HTTP Action.
  3. Paste the URL copied previously into the "URL" field.
  4. If you use PRTG version 16.x.24. and above paste the content of this text file, otherwise paste the content of this text file into "Postdata" field.
  5. Click Save.

Sample alert


Integration via Marid (for On Premise PRTG Usage)

Alternatively, use Opsgenie's PRTG integration package to acknowledge sensor on PRTG. This enables deployment of custom scripts/ability to modify the ones provided, and execute customized actions on PRTG.

To use PRTG integration package, follow the steps in the sections below through the end.

Download and install PRTG package

For Windows

  • Download Opsgenie PRTG (Windows)
  • Unzip the Opsgenie integration zip file which contains Marid package into a directory (C:\opsgenie-integration is the preferred path. C:\opsgenie-integration\marid is referred to as MARID_HOME in the rest of documentation.)
  • To install Marid as a service:
  • Open a command window
  • Go to <MARID_HOME> directory
  • For 32 bit systems, run marid.exe -install
  • For 64 bit systems, run marid_64.exe -install
    Name of the service is assigned to "Opsgenie Marid"


To set JAVA_HOME environment variable, refer to Setting JAVA_HOME for more information.


To enable Ruby scripting, download JRuby Complete jar file and put this jar file in lib directory (/var/lib/opsgenie/marid On Linux, MARID_HOME/lib on Windows systems.).


A system restart may be necessary after setting JAVA_HOME environment variable for Windows XP/2000/2003 operating systems due to a problem reported at

Configuring PRTG Integration for Marid

  • In order to use Marid utility, enable Send Via Marid.

  • Other configurations regarding PRTG can be done either via integration page or Marid configuration file opsgenie-integration.conf. The configuration via integration page precedes the configuration file.


Marid Configuration

The plugin uses Marid utility (included in the plugin) to acknowledge sensors on PRTG when alerts are updated.

  • To start Marid for 32-bit, run the following command:
marid.exe start
  • To start Marid for 32-bit, run the following command:
marid.exe stop
  • To start Marid for 64-bit, run the following command:
marid_64.exe start
  • To stop Marid for 64-bit, run the following command:
marid_64.exe stop

Marid is a java application; therefore requires the Java Runtime version 1.6+ Both the Open JDK and Oracle JVMs can be used.


Ensure that JAVA_HOME environment variable is set. If it is not, set it by removing the comment at the beginning of the following line in /etc/opsgenie/profile file and set JAVA_HOME to your JRE installation directory.
`#JAVA_HOME=<path/to/JDK or JRE/install>

To execute actions on PRTG, Marid gets the configuration parameters from /etc/opsgenie/conf/opsgenie-integration.conf file.

apiKeyCopy the API key from the PRTG integration created above.
prtg.prtgUrlPRTG with subdomanin on it. Example
prtg.usernamePRTG API Username under Account Settings at PRTG.
prtg.passhashPRTG API Passhash under Account Settings at PRTG.

According to the action to execute in PRTG, the script to be run is set here. Opsgenie's script is set by default; change the following configuration to run custom script if desired.



  1. Former PRTG Integration users can convert the integration to make it work for bidirectional use by adding sensorId, {{sensorId}} key-value pair to Extra Properties field at your PRTG Integration configuration.

  2. If you are having trouble sending execute actions to OpsGenie, enable Send SNI and add for US, for EU.