Amazon Route 53 Health Check Integration

Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable cloud Domain Name System (DNS) web service. Amazon Route 53 Health Check service monitors the health of your resources such as web servers and email servers.

What does Opsgenie offer Amazon Route 53 Health Check users?

Use Opsgenie Amazon Route 53 Health Check Integration to forward Amazon Route 53 Health Check alerts to Opsgenie. Opsgenie determines the right people to notify based on on-call schedules– notifies via email, text messages (SMS), phone calls and iOS & Android push notifications, and escalates alerts until the alert is acknowledged or closed.

Functionality of the integration

When an alert is created in Amazon Route 53 Health Check, an alert is created in Opsgenie automatically through the integration.

Add Amazon Route 53 Health Check Integration to Opsgenie

  1. Please create an Opsgenie account if you haven't done so already.
  2. Go to Opsgenie Amazon Route 53 Health Check Integration page.


For Free and Essentials plans, you can only add the integrations from the Team Dashboards, please use the alternative instructions given below to add this integration.

  1. Specify who is notified of Amazon Route 53 Health Check alerts using the Teams field. Auto-complete suggestions are provided as you type.


An alternative for Step 2) and Step 3) is to add the integration from the Team Dashboard of the team which will own the integration. To add an integration directly to a team, navigate to the Team Dashboard and open Integrations tab. Click Add Integration and select the integration that you would like to add.

  1. Click Save Integration.
  1. Create an SNS topic.
  1. Add an HTTPS subscription to the topic with the Opsgenie API endpoint by using the URL provided from the Opsgenie Integration.

Upon successfully configuring SNS subscription to Opsgenie a confirmation alert is created in Opsgenie.

3. Configure health check to send notifications to the SNS topic previously created.

Configuration in Amazon Route 53 Health Check

  1. After configuring the Health Check, a Get notified when health check fails window opens.
  2. Click Yes and Send Notification to Existing Topic
  3. Choose the topic created for Opsgenie usage.
  4. Click Create Health Check.

Sample Webhook Message from Opsgenie Amazon Route 53 Health Check Plugin

  "Type" : "Notification",
  "MessageId" : "fa97d391-ae96-585b-97dc-830e0d4935e9",
  "TopicArn" : "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:72918xxxxxxx:test-sns-for-route53",
  "Subject" : "ALARM: \"try2-awsroute53-23065a3c-3d3d-467f-8930-xxxxxx-Low-Health...\" in US East - N. Virginia",
  "Message" : "{\"AlarmName\":\"try2-awsroute53-23065a3c-3d3d-xxxx-x0-82cbb897a5ab-Low-HealthCheckStatus\",\"AlarmDescription\":null,\"AWSAccountId\":\"729181xxxxxx\",\"NewStateValue\":\"ALARM\",\"NewStateReason\":\"Threshold Crossed: 1 datapoint (0.0) was less than the threshold (1.0).\",\"StateChangeTime\":\"2016-11-11T10:46:55.660+0000\",\"Region\":\"US East - N. Virginia\",\"OldStateValue\":\"INSUFFICIENT_DATA\",\"Trigger\":{\"MetricName\":\"HealthCheckStatus\",\"Namespace\":\"AWS/Route53\",\"Statistic\":\"MINIMUM\",\"Unit\":null,\"Dimensions\":[{\"name\":\"HealthCheckId\",\"value\":\"23065a3c-xxxx-467f-8930-82cbb897a5ab\"}],\"Period\":60,\"EvaluationPeriods\":1,\"ComparisonOperator\":\"LessThanThreshold\",\"Threshold\":1.0}}",
  "Timestamp" : "2016-11-11T10:46:55.762Z",
  "SignatureVersion" : "1",
  "Signature" : "YuaEzc4ZGxWI68sBukJ0+Bn5NpI2uLpKJwmVU5uhj7+xxxxS+YprbcNH0fT22QyzxCt5oyouFMJO860ULeV8KNd0GZjJhg6xukxiXQJk3pTe9ecvqRDQVsTnVOZUII9+ITZNEFgsQ3mIZXElb8hhJixnPZJEVYSutqyDtA807HS9LSL5aLrnNCOBzqAx493phcf6b60DeyX2+m1N8WAjclDTC6UwJwaIRX+5OHnfi2+xxxxxxxxxxxxxHRcgaj2XLhe5jApIHp5L8QnVGhBpopJ56gNytvCj7/5FWg==",
  "SigningCertURL" : "",
  "UnsubscribeURL" : ""

This payload is parsed by Opsgenie as:

  "Type" : "Notification",
  "MessageId" : "fa97d391-ae96-xxxxx-830e0d4935e9",
  "TopicArn" : "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:72918xxxxxx:test-sns-for-route53",
  "Subject" : "ALARM: \"try2-awsroute53-23065a3c-3xxxxx4xxx-82cbb897a5ab-Low-Health...\" in US East - N. Virginia",
  "AlarmName" : "try2-awsroute53-23065a3c-3d3d-467xxxxxxxx-Low-HealthCheckStatus",
  "AlarmDescription" : null,
  "AWSAccountID" : "72918xxxxxx",
  "NewStateValue" : "ALARM",
  "NewStateReason" : "Threshold Crossed: 1 datapoint (0.0) was less than the threshold (1.0).",
  "StateChangeTime" : "2016-11-11T10:46:55.660+0000",
  "Region" : "US East - N. Virginia",
  "OldStateValue" : "INSUFFICIENT_DATA"