Alert Reports
Alert Reports contain the following dashboards:
1- Alert Analytics
2- User Productivity Analytics
1- Alert Analytics
This dashboard breaks down the alerts sent over the amount of time designated by the Date Created filter. This includes the total number of alerts, alerts per status, alerts per priority, and a daily breakdown of those. It also includes graphics which show the alerts per source and alerts per tag.
Filters: Tags, Teams, Owner, Status, Priority, Source, Alert Details Key, Alert Details Value, Date Created
Number of Alerts:
Number of alerts created in the time specified by the “Date Created” filter.
Alerts per Status:
Number of alerts grouped by status.
Alerts per Priority:
Number of alerts grouped by priority level.
Daily Created Alerts per Status:
Daily distribution of alerts grouped by status.
Daily Created Alerts per Priority:
Daily distribution of alerts grouped by priority.
Alerts per Source:
Alert count from different sources.
Alerts per Tag:
Alert count from different tags.
2- User Productivity Analytics
This dashboard is an in-depth look at a particular user and the alerts they received over a designated period of time selected as a filter. It is important to note that a user must be selected in the filters as a first action when you access this dashboard, or else data will not be displayed. The user-specific data shown here is the number of alerts created, escalated, reassigned, acknowledged, and closed, as well as a breakdown of those alerts according to their status and priority.
Filters: User, On Call, Status, Priority, Date Created
Number of Alerts:
Number of alerts created by user specified in filter.
Alerts Escalated to Next User:
Number of alerts escalated to next user (either escalated because of the missed notifications or by executing the 'Escalate to Next' action), noted as both a total value and percentage.
Alerts Reassigned by User:
Number of alerts reassigned by user specified in filter, noted as both a total value and percentage.
Alerts Acknowledged by User:
Number of alerts acknowledged by user specified in filter versus others who have acknowledged the user’s alert.
Daily Created Alerts per Status:
Number of alerts created by user specified in filter per alert status (Open, Ack’ed, and Snoozed).
Alerts Closed by User:
Number of alerts closed by user specified in filter versus others who have closed the user’s alert.
Daily Created Alerts per Priority:
Number of alerts created by user specified in filter per alert priority.
Updated almost 7 years ago