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Switch to Atlassian login

The Opsgenie account owner and the account admins can manage login settings of the account users. Follow the steps below to switch all account users to Atlassian login. Learn more about login options and SSO.

  1. Go to Settings → App settings and select Login and SSO.

  2. Under the Login settings section, click on Switch to Atlassian login.

  3. We’ll display a modal, informing you that all users that are logged in will be logged out. Click Switch to Atlassian login.

  4. All account users can now login to Opsgenie with their Atlassian credentials.

  5. If you'd like login with SSO, you should set Atlassian Access for your account, and proceed with the instructions from there.

Atlassian Access is billed separately and free with Opsgenie’s Standard and Enterprise plan. However you may receive additional fees due to your subscription to other Atlassian products.

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